Brand identity versus Brand image

A company’s brand identity is how that business/ brand wants to be perceived by consumers.

The components of the brand (name, logo, tone, tagline, typeface) are created by the business to reflect the value the company is trying to bring to the market and to appeal to its customers.

Brand identity is separate from brand image – the term for how consumers actually perceive the brand.

It’s the same difference as in real life: You think you said one thing (you build up your brand identity), the person you talked to thought you said something else (the consumers build up your brand image). Companies often have the same problem.

In the context of branding, a company’s brand identity is what it says about who it is – the product or service it delivers, the quality it gives customers, its advantages over competing brands. The brand image, on the other hand, is how the brand is perceived by the public. The challenge any company faces when trying to build a brand is to make sure that its identity matches its image as closely as possible.

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